- Lowell School
- Info and Services
Lowell School Health Center Info page
Lowell School Health Center:
1150 Sherwood, Missoula, MT
Phone: 406-258-4430
Fax: 406-493-1914
The Lowell School Health Center is pleased to offer medical services and health education to all Lowell students, families and staff. School-Based Health Centers are small clinics located within the school property. School-Based Health Centers offer students and family members support through coordinated care; we serve as a safety net for disadvantaged and underserved youth. Outcomes from utilizing SBHC’s are positive resulting in better school attendance, improved concentration and focus when participating in school activities and increased health awareness. We offer the following services:
Immediate treatment of illnesses and injuries
Management of chronic illnesses
Physical exams/sports physicals
Laboratory testing
Mental Health counseling
Health Education for students and parents
Nutrition counseling
On site dental services
Well-child exams including immunizations
Well-woman exams
In order for children attending Lowell School to receive medical services at Lowell School Health Center a complete and signed consent form needs to be returned to Lowell School Health Center. The consent must be on file before any child can be seen in the health center. The Lowell School Health Center can also provide services for the student’s family members living in their home. Once these forms are signed and members of the students immediate family are added, those names will be submitted as potential patients of the Lowell School Health Center. Lowell School Health Center will bill private insurance, Medicaid, and Healthy Montana Kids for eligible students. No child will be denied services due to inability to pay.
The Lowell School Health Center is open Monday–Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 pm. The health center is located next door at 1150 Sherwood Street.
Attached is a list of common questions and answers regarding the services we will provide at the Lowell School Health Center. If you have any additional questions or concerns, please feel free to stop by the clinic or call us at 406-258-4430.
Lowell School Health Center Staff
- Rotating Medical Provider
- Mary Sullivan, RN – Clinic Coordinator
- Emelyn Falley, SWLC – Behavioral Health Therapist
- Rotating Dental Services
The Lowell School Health Center is a satellite clinic of Partnership Health Center.
Questions and Answers about the School-Based Health Center
What is a School-Based Health Center (SBHC)?
SBHCs are clinics located in a school or on a school campus and provide the students with medical, mental health, dental, and health education services. School-based health centers work to improve the health of students, increase access to health care, and decrease time lost from school by providing health care in/near the school. Services provided include immediate care for illness or injury; physical exams and sports physicals; medically prescribed laboratory tests; health education for students and parents; immunizations; management for chronic illnesses; individual, family and group mental health counseling; and on site dental services.
Will signing up at the School-Based Health Center mean that we can’t use our family doctor? If we have a family doctor, do we need the School-Based Health Center?
If you have a family doctor, you can still use the SBHC. You may find it convenient for your child to receive medical care at the SBHC if they get sick or injured at school. You may also want your child to have access, as needed, for counseling, dental, and health education services offered through the SBHC.
Can I select which services my child can use at the School-Based Health Center?
Yes; the SBHC services are listed on the consent form and there is space for you to write in which services you do not want your child to receive. The SBHC staff will check your consent form before they see your child and will know which restrictions you have in place for your child. Parents are always encouraged to contact the SBHC staff with questions or concerns and are welcome to accompany children to their appointment.
Will my child’s medical information be kept confidential?
Your child’s medical information will be treated with strict confidentiality. If you would like the clinic to discuss your child’s condition with the school, please contact us to complete a release of information authorization form. Otherwise, it is your responsibility to notify the school of any medications, allergies, or medical problems that may affect your child during school. By signing the authorization form, you are giving the school-based health center and the Missoula County school nurses permission to communicate and share medical information regarding your child’s medical condition on an as needed basis and with the understanding that this information will be treated in a confidential manner. In addition, by signing the authorization form, you are giving the Missoula County Board of Education permission to release your child’s immunization records to the SBHC.
Who do I call for more information?
Please call 406-258-4430 with additional questions, suggestions or concerns, or to obtain information on applying for Medicaid or HMK (Healthy Montana Kids).