• 4 Cashman Weekly Schedule


    Hello Everyone!


    Our daily school schedule is below. I will also be sending a weekly hard copy newsletter that will come home with your child on Fridays, letting you know the specialists' schedule for the coming week. Let me know if you have any questions!  Our specialist schedule is on a 3-day rotation - Library, PE, Music.  We will also have Art classes regulary!


    Sincerely, Mr. Cashman


    Daily School Schedule

    Start Time: 8:10 - 2:55  (Thursdays - 8:10 - 2:10)

      8:10 - 9:00 ELA 1 (Reading, Writing & Word Work)

    9:00 -9:40 Specialists

    9:40 - 9:55 ELA 2 (Reading, Writing & Word Work)

    9:55 -10:10 Recess

    10:10 - 11:25 ELA 3 (Reading, Writing, & Word Work)

    11:25-12:10 Lunch

    12:15 -2:10 Math

    1:55-2:10 Recess

    2:10 - 2:55 Science & Social Studies







     Specialist Schedule

    Day A: Library

    Day B: PE

    Day C: Music


    Ms. Miller, our art teacher will be at Chief Charlo for 6 weeks at a time and then spend 6 weeks at another school, before returning.  When she is here, students will have Art classes every 3rd day.




    11:25-12:10 Daily