Class Schedule

  • 2022-2023 Schedule

    8:15 School Begins, Breakfast, and Morning Tubs
    8:30 Morning Meeting and Calendar
    9:00 Phonics/ Daily 5
    9:40 Recess
    9:55 Math
    11:00- Lunch and Recess
    11:45- Language Arts and Writing
    12:25- Daily 5
    12:45- Science or Social Studies
    1:15 Specials (Rotation: Music, Library, Art, P.E) Monthly Calendar
    2:05 Recess
    2:20 Snack and Read Aloud
    2:35 Read to Self and catch-up time
    3:00 Pack up and Closing
    3:15 Dismissal  
    Please note that Thursday is early out at 2:30.