What Family Resource Forms do I need to fill out for my student?
We ask all families looking for assistance to fill out a Student Residency Questionnaire and a Free & Reduced Lunch Application.
What is the Student Residency Questionnaire?
The Student Residency Questionnaire (SRQ) is a part of your yearly enrollment packets. The SRQ helps us in the FRC identify students who may qualify for additional services under the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act, including transportation and tutoring. Students who are homeless or categorized as Unaccompanied Homeless Youth will qualify for these additional services and receive monthly outreach from the FRC, which can include help with buying clothing, shoes, food, and hygiene products. This form is confidential and is only used to get students additional resources to help them succeed with their high school education.
Wait, "Unaccompanied Homeless Youth"? My student isn't homeless, they have a home.
Unaccompanied Homeless Youth is a broad term covering any students who are not living with their legal guardians. If a student is couchsurfing, crashing with a friend's family, or living with an extended family member but those guardians do not have legal guardianship in writing for that student, then that student is considered an Unaccompanied Homeless Youth. This student will qualify for assistance from the FRC through the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act.
Ok, so if I am the legal guardian of my student, I should still fill out the Student Residency Questionnaire?
Yes, please!- Or we can fill one out with you over the phone, or with the student.
So what is the Free & Reduced Lunch Application?
This is a very important form because this application helps Seeley-Swan High School keep our federal funding and that federal funding goes towards the education of all SSHS students. In order to retain our federal funding, the school needs to have a certain percentage of these forms that are filled out, turned in, and that qualify for assistance. If you think you will qualify, then definitely fill this out! School lunches are no longer free for students in the state as the federal waiver that was created due to the pandemic has expired. Children in households that receive SNAP (formerly known as food stamps), TANF or FDPIR, and most foster children, can receive FREE meals by completing a program application. Even if you do not qualify for free meals, any family who qualifies by income can receive reduced-priced meals. SSHS and MCPS treat your student's participation in the Free & Reduced meals program as highly confidential.
What things can the Family Resource Center help with?
We can help any students get access to food, clothing, shoes, school supplies, and hygiene products (shampoo, dental products, etc.). The FRC can also connect families who may be going through financial hardship to community resources both in Seeley Lake and in the larger Missoula County.