- Lowell School
- Current Newsletter
November Newsletter
Posted by Jolyne O'Brien on 11/7/2022
Upcoming Events:
*PARENT TEACHER CONFERENCES THIS WEEK: Please find the reminder for your scheduled conference this week.
*Annual Giving Tree forms are due Nov. 10 to the office or your classroom teacher.
*Thank you to everyone who came for the Lunch and Learn.
*We are needing kleenex in the classroom. Please send 1 box in with your child.
*Please continue to read for 30 minutes each night.
This month we are reading nonfiction articles focusing on main idea and identifying supporting details. In addition, we are completing a writing project by creating a magazine article while including text features to aid in comprehension. The PTA purchased nonfiction Time for Kids articles for our class this year to use as mentor texts and learn about our global world.
Retakes Thurs. Nov. 10
Early Dismissal Thurs. Nov. 10 @ 11:00
No School Fri. Nov. 11
*LADY GRIZ GAME: Nov. 15. Please ask your child if they signed up for a lunch from home.
Please do not hesistate to contact me for any questions or concerns. jaobrien@mcpsmt.org
Math students are working on becoming fluent in multiplication strategies such as creating equal groups, skip counting, and fact families with the commutative property for 6,7,8,9. Please continue practicing addition, subtraction, and multiplication facts/games at home.