What Are Smart Snacks?

  • On July 1, 2014, the Smart Snacks guidelines—which originated from the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010—went into effect. All schools enrolled in the National School Lunch Program must comply with the nutrition guidelines for what is considered “competitive foods”—more commonly referred to as “Smart Snacks”. Although these guidelines are federally mandated, state and local jurisdictions may adopt policies that have stronger nutritional guidelines for foods served during the school day and at school events.  Paxson is hoping we can incorporate these guidelines throughout our school including school events, classroom parties and snack times.  Talk with your teacher about more ideas!

     Smart Snacks Guidelines

     What are Smart Snacks?

    What about class parties and birthdays?  Paxson is looking out for our students by requesting that snack time, class holiday parties and birthdays are healthy celebrations that include Smart Snacks guidelines and also, avoid foods or beverages due to student food allergies. Please contact the teacher to determine any foods that should be avoided due to allergies. Although shifting school events to contain healthy foods and beverages or non-foods may be overwhelming and confusing, helpful tips and further information regarding this transition are available on this page. 

    Thank you for helping Paxson students be healthy!



Smart Snack Ideas


    This list below keeps in mind convenience as well as assumes children are bringing the snack in their back pack. Please remember NO peanut/nut products. **Please note fruit snacks, fruit rolls, etc. are not included on the list as they are not considered a healthy snack.  The following should serve as your guide to Smart Snacks for in-class celebrations/snack time:

    • fresh fruit (apple, banana, orange, grapes, etc)
    • fresh veggies (carrots, cucumber, snap peas, etc
    • individual fruit cups
    • 100% fruit sticks/bars or raisin
    • dried fruits
    • pretzels or baked chips
    • graham crackers, plain animal crackers
    • baked crackers or goldfish crackers
    • granola bars (less than 4 grams of fat/bar) no peanut/nuts
    • trail mix (no nuts)
    • fig bars
    • popcorn (light or low-fat)
    • 100% juice
    • yogurt or string cheese if kept cold

    What about Healthy & Fun Food Ideas For Classroom Parties?

    School Parties are fun and can provide a chance to reinforce the message that nutritious food choices lead to healthier bodies and sharper minds. Our School Wellness Policy supports healthy eating and physical activity. Planning ahead for parties can allow for more balanced food choices.

    • fruit kabobs
    • apples & caramel dip
    • fruit smoothies
    • yogurt parfaits
    • veggies & ranch (light)
    • cheese cubes & baked crackers
    • turkey rolls with cream cheese
    • chex mix (homemade with no nuts)
    • popcorn
    • finger sandwiches (no peanut butter)
    • Veggie Pizza