Enrollment Information

  • Missoula County Public Schools is committed to helping families prepare their children for success in the 21st century.  We are excited that you will be registering your child(ren) for enrollment in our public charter school.

    New to the District

    If you are new to Missoula County Public Schools, please follow these steps to enroll your child: 

    Parents must also provide:
    1. A Copy of the student's Birth Certificate.  (The hospital issued Certificate of Live Birth is NOT a birth certificate.)
    2. A copy of the student's complete immunization records, OR State of Montana Certificate of Immunization (blue form). Please review immunization requirements to ensure your child is fully immunized.
    3. Residency Verification - two items that verify physical home address, such as power bill, water bill, garbage bill, landline phone bill that shows name and address of service, or lease agreement.

    Student is Currently Attending an MCPS School

    If your student is currently enrolled and attending a middle school or high school that is part of Missoula County Public Schools and you want to transfer your student to the CONNECT Academy, please complete the following:

    Materials can be submitted as attachments by email to studentregistration@mcpsmt.org. or delivered in-person to the Superintendent's Office located in Administration Building A, 909 South Ave. West.

    Questions? Please contact MCPS at 728-2400, ext. 1030, or email studentregistration@mcpsmt.org 

    Commitment to Equal Education and Opportunity

    Missoula County Public Schools is committed to equality of educational opportunity and to equal employment opportunity.  Equal education opportunities shall be available for all students without regard to race, color, national origin, sex, religion, physical or mental disability, economic or social conditions, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender nonconformity, or actual or potential marital or parental status.  Inquires or complaints regarding discrimination should be directed to Trevor Laboski, Executive Director of Human Resources and Labor Relations, at (406)728-2400, ext. 1038.